Thursday 29 November 2007

A list of words to use less in reviews:

- notably
- contrived
- indie-x (where x=rock/pop/metal/jazz/funk/bauhaus etc)
- throughout

More, no doubt, will follow.

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Out of our depth...

Ah cack, we're playing the main room at Rio's (1000 capacity) on 22nd December then headlining the Cockpit (600 capacity) on 9th February.

Please will people come to these so we don't look like utter cockheads?

Monday 26 November 2007


I did tell you all, didn't I?

Spazzed Photography Crash Course

Reminiscing, I browse through Leeds Festival photos taken by James Brown. Hidden amongst a load of generic drunken horribleness are the following absolute gems. James B dressed as a robot for some reason; yours, quadrospazzed on a lifeglug, while Drew and Benbow look on oblivious; Catalyst rubbing his nipples (apparently, much to my pleasure); and - most spectacularly - a terrified Chris Kelly being attacked by Harrison's bosom while James M, the celeb that he is, simply poses for the camera. The less said about any of them, the better.

Sunday 25 November 2007

Moving blogs, sort of.

Fed up of the limitations of Myspace, I've decided to move my blogging purposes over here. I'm going to cross-post for now, simply because it's an easier transition, but Myspace's blogging stuff is pretty rubbish and annoying, and not everyone uses Myspace and all that, so it just makes a great deal more sense to blog here, install Haloscan for comments, and see what happens. Do me proud by reading and commenting like good children. Feed my ego, bitches.

Does anyone have Blogspots as such any more? I'm not entirely sure. I don't know what happened to most of the old blogging crowd (Adam, Ben, the Jameses and that lot) really. Adam, you're probably the only one I keep in touch with these days. What's the dealio?

This is a short blog due to meeting Ruth for (a rather late) lunch. Au revoir.

L x